Jam Recipes
Starting with Raspberry - one of the easiest to make and proceeding in the order the fruit ripens.
- Jammy Hints and Tips
- Raspberry Jam
- Gooseberry Jam
- Strawberry Jam
- Strawberry & Gooseberry Jam
- Rhubarb & Loganberry Jam
- Blackcurrant Jam
- Blackcurrant & Raspberry Jam
- Mixed Summer Fruit Jam
- Plum Jam
- Plum & Apple Jam
- Damson & Apple Jam
- Bramble (Blackberry) & Apple Jam
- Marrow Jam
- Apple Jam
Disclaimer: These recipes are provided 'as is' and we regret that no responsibilty can be
accepted if you do not like the result - if it breaks your kitchen you get to keep
both parts!
We believe these recipes work and will provide tasty jams.
In the event that in transcribing it for the Web errors or omissions have ocurred and
ingredients include such gems as 1½ lb turmeric please let us know so we can correct it.
If you like the result and want to pass it on please feel free to do so as long as the
source is acknowledged.