Raspberry Jam
This is probably the simplest jam to make.
Use whatever weight of raspberries you have. Place in the pan over a low heat until they begin to break down, stirring from time to time.
Simmer for a few minutes until individual berries are no longer visible. Be careful not to let it stick to the pan.
Add the same weight of sugar as fruit and boil to setting point, pot and cover.
This keeps well but loses the fresh fruit taste over time.
Disclaimer: This recipe is provided 'as is' and we regret that no responsibilty can be
accepted if you do not like the result - if it breaks your kitchen you get to keep
both parts!
We believe this recipe works and will provide a tasty jam.
In the event that in transcribing it for the Web errors or omissions have ocurred and
ingredients include such gems as 1½ lb turmeric please let us know so we can correct it.
If you like the result and want to pass it on please feel free to do so as long as the
source is acknowledged.